The Sidney J. Levy Award competition is held annually in honor of one of the founding fathers of Consumer Culture Theory. The award is given to the best CCT-oriented dissertation article published in the preceding year.
Award Description & Eligibility
Authors of a published dissertation-based article in the area of Consumer Culture Theory and related theoretical areas are encouraged to submit their articles for the annual Sidney J. Levy Award competition.
The award is given to the author of the best article based on a CCT-oriented dissertation thesis that is published in an English-language marketing and/or consumer journal. The winner receives $1500. One honorable mention award may also be given ($1000). The recipients will be presented at the annual CCT conference luncheon.
There may only be one Levy Award submission per dissertation and applicants can only apply for the Levy award once. All submissions must be based directly on dissertation data and theory. Applicants must clearly identify themselves as the first author and will be the sole recipient of the award. The first submission to the journal publishing the paper must be within seven years of receipt of degree.
Papers are eligible that appeared in print in the calendar year prior to the award application (e.g., articles in print in 2023 are eligible for the 2024 award). The submission deadline is April 1st of the following year (e.g., deadline for articles in print in 2023 is April 2024). The nomination process is quick and easy. Both self-nominations and colleague nominations are encouraged.
The Levy Award judging is completed by May 1st. A panel comprised of three consumer culture theorists with outstanding credentials will judge submitted articles based on contribution to knowledge in- and outside of CCT, conciseness, and potential to shape the course of Consumer Culture Theory and marketing in the future.
The deadline is April 1. For questions and submissions contact Marcus Phipps, CCTC Executive Secretary at cctexecsec@gmail.com.
Click here to download the nomination form: Levy-Award-application-form.
Click here, to read more about Sidney J. Levy: Sidney J. Levy on Marketing: An Intellectual Biography
Past Levy Award Winners
2024 - Winner
Annetta Grant, “Dysplacement and the Professionalization of the Home", Journal of Consumer Research,” Volume 49, Issue 5, February 2023, Pages 882-903, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucac023
2024 – Honorable Mention
Rebecca Mardon, “Kind of Mine, Kind of Not”: Digital Possessions and Affordance Misalignment. Journal of Consumer Research 50, Issue 2 August 2023, 255-281, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucab057
2023 - Winner
Christian A. Eichert, “Almost Equal: Consumption under Fragmented Stigma, Journal of Consumer Research,” Volume 49, Issue 3, October 2022, Pages 409–429, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucab077
2023 – Honorable Mention
Akaka, Melissa Archpru, "Practice diffusion." Journal of Consumer Research 48, Issue 6 April 2022, 939-969, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucab045
2022 – Winner
Daniel Dietrich, A Framework of Brand Contestation: Toward Brand Antifragility, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 48, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 682–708, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucab053
2022 – Honorable mention
Karin Brondino-Pompeo, "Mapping spheres of exchange: a multidimensional approach to commoditization and singularization," AMS Review, Springer; Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 11(1), pages 81-95
2021 – Winner
Siebert, Anton. “Customer Experience Journeys: Loyalty Loops Versus Involvement Spirals", Journal of Marketing, 84 (4), 45-66.”
2021 – Honorable mention
Samuelson, Appau. "Understanding Difficult Consumer Transitions: Permanent Liminality in the In/Dividual Consumer", Journal of Consumer Research, 47 (August), 167-191.
2020 – Winner
Gollnhofer, Johanna F., Henri A. Weijo, and John W. Schouten. "Consumer movements and value regimes: Fighting food waste in Germany by building alternative object pathways." Journal of Consumer Research 46.3 (2019): 460-482.
2020 – Honorable mention
Kawaf, Fatema. "Capturing digital experience: The method of screencast videography." International Journal of Research in Marketing 36.2 (2019): 169-184.
2019 – Winner
Ela Veresiu, York University
“Beyond Acculturation: Multiculturalism and the Institutional Shaping of an Ethnic Consumer Subject,” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 45), October 2018
2018 – Winner
Rebecca Scott, Cardiff University
“Selling Pain to the Saturated Self,” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 44) June 2017
2017 – Winner
Andre F. Maciel, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
“Taste Engineering: An Extended Consumer Model of Cultural Competence Constitution.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 43) February 2017
2017 – Honorable Mention
Luciana Walther, Federal University of São João Del Rei, Brazil
Next stop, Pleasure Town: Identity transformation and women’s erotic consumption, Journal of Business Research (69), 1, January 2016
2016 – Winner
Marie-Agnes Parmentier, HEC Montreal
“Things Fall Apart: The Dynamics of Brand Audience Dissipation.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 41) February 2015
2015 – Winners
Niklas Woermann, University of Southern Denmark, and Joonas Rokka, NEOMA Business School
“How Consumption Practices Shape Consumers’ Temporal Experiences.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 41) April 2015
2014 – Winner
Bige SaatçioÄŸlu, Ozyegin University
“Moral Habitus and Status Negotiation in A Marginalized Working-Class Neighborhood” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 40) December 2013.
2013 -Winner
Elif Izberk-Bilgin, University of Michigan-Dearborn
“Infidel Brands: Unveiling Alternative Meanings of Global Brands at the Nexus of Globalization, Consumer Culture, and Islamism.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 39) December 2012
2012 – Co-Winners
Zeynep Arsel, Concordia University
“Demythologizing Consumption Practices: How Consumers Protect Their Field-Dependent Identity Investments from Devaluing Marketplace Myths.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 37) February 2011
Michelle Weinberger, Northwestern University
“Intracommunity Gifting at the Intersection of Contemporary Moral & Market Economies.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 39) June 2012
2011 – Winner
Ashlee Humphreys, Northwestern University
“Semiotic Structure and the Legitimation of Consumption Practices: The Case of Casino Gambling.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 37) October 2010
2011 – Honorable Mention
Gulnur Tumbat, San Francisco State University
“Marketplace Tensions in Extraordinary Experiences.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 38) June 2011
2010 – Winner
Marius K. Luedicke, University of Innsbruck, Austria
“Consumer Identity Work as Moral Protagonism: How Myth and Ideology Animate a Brand-Mediated Moral Conflict.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 36) April 2010
2009 – Winner
Amber M. Epp, University of Wisconsin
“Family Identity: A Framework of Identity Interplay in Consumption Practices.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 35) June 2008
2009 – Honorable Mention
Xin Zhao, University of Hawaii
“Politicizing Consumer Culture: Advertising’s Appropriation of Political Ideology in China’s Social Transition.” Journal of Consumer Research, (Volume 35) August 2008